
Sir Robotics

Safety and Environment Certification

At SIR we are fully aware that our production activities can lead to non-negligible impacts on the environment and that its protection is today a fundamental factor for the quality of life of individuals and for sustainable development.

At the same time we know that safety in the workplace must become increasingly central in the development of any form of business.

As above, aware of our responsibilities towards the community and future generations, we have implemented a Management System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and UNI EN ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety management system), in order to reduce the environmental impact of our production activities, prevent and reduce the risk of accidents, improve working conditions and pursue continuous improvement of our performances.

In addition to carrying out our work in compliance with legal obligations regarding safety and the environment, our organization has therefore adopted a Policy for protecting the environment and protecting worker safety and has set objectives to pursue, also according to what is offered by technological progress. These objectives are constantly monitored, evaluated and updated.

In the coming months and years, our relationships with customers, suppliers, employees and all other stakeholders cannot ignore the utmost attention to the topics in question and will constitute a key element for establishing and developing relationships of mutual and lasting collaboration.

The e-mail address hse@sir-mo.it is active and will be used by SIR for all communications relating to environmental and safety issues.

In case of need or for any type of question you intend to ask SIR, we ask you to always refer to this address.





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