Republic of Korea ambassador visit

December 2017
A Republic of Korea emissary delegation visited Modena on 5th- 6th October 2017 to enhance their knowledge about our excellences in biomedical and mechanic automation sectors.
The visit, organized by a Chamber of Commerce branch called Promec, together with Democenter foundation support, was finalized to investigate the organization of small and medium size industries in our area, their strengths, the mutual cooperation between companies of the same sector, the role of organizations like Chamber of Commerce in the promotion and development of the district.
The delegation, composed by Ambassador S.E. Jong-hyun Choi, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs Dr. Eunjeong Kim, Official of Economic Affairs Division Dr. Sejin Park, was visiting SIR on October 6th, to take a look at the last important innovations in robotic automation for mechanic industry.
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